Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Quest for Savage Glory: Healers and Paladins

 Healers are a major part of Gloriana, the Quest for Glory world, and Paladins start becoming important in Quest for Glory 2, and playable in Quest for Glory 3. Only Quest for Glory IV doesn't have a Healer... it has Dr. Cranium, the scientist who fills the "give you healing items" role, but it's not the same as Amelia Appleberry, Harik Attar (and Julanar), Salim, and, in QfG5, Salim and Julanar.

And, I'll admit, I also wrote the healer for my younger child, who wants to play, but despises violence (unless it is against unicorns).

Arcane Background: Healer
Requirements: Smarts d6+, Spirit d6+
Arcane Skill: Healing (Smarts)
Starting Powers: Healing, Relief
Power Points: 10

Healers do not "cast spells" in the traditional sense; their Arcane skill is Healing, much like anyone can practice, but they can access a deeper level of healing through their magical training, and later craft potions, which have more limited effects than their direct ministrations. When directly attending a person, they may spend 1 power point to add a +1 to their Healing skill check, or to add +1 to any Vigor or Spirit rolls the patient may require. Multiple power points may be spent.

Healer powers all have the range limitation of Touch, without additional benefit, unless otherwise noted. When placed into a potion or pill, they function only for the person who consumed the device.

Available Powers:
Novice: Arcane Protection, Aura, Boost Trait, Calm, Darksight, Detect Arcana, Dispel, Healing, Poison Resistance, Relief, Undead Repulsion
Seasoned: Farsight, Invisibility, Slumber, Transfer

Requirements: Arcane Background: Healer, Seasoned

While anyone who has studied as a healer can heal the person in front of them, an apothecary can prepare medicines to heal someone. Most often, this will be a potion or pill, but others will use powders, incenses, or salves. These are constructed much like Arcane Devices, but with two critical differences. First, the device does not cease to function after 48 hours; they usually lose the effect of any raises in their creation after that time. This matters less to the apothecary, however, because at that point, the invested power points return to them. However, the points will not return before that 48 hours; a healer can make a potion, watch it be immediately drunk in front of them, and still will be unable to regain the points until 48 hours have passed. Apothecaries with active practices as healers must balance "stock of healing potions" with the needs of any immediate patients, while those without such practices are more likely to stock many potions.

Apothecaries can sometimes brew exceptionally powerful potions that overcome these limitations, but this is more akin to enchanting (FC 161), including the need for special ingredients, such as you send prospective Heroes out searching for.

Mystic Powers: Paladin
Requirements: Seasoned, Spirit d8+
Restrictions: Cannot have Arrogant, Bloodthirsty, Greedy, Mean, Ruthless, Vengeful
Paladins are made, not born. Another paladin, of Veteran status or greater, seeing the good deeds and honor of the character, may anoint them a Paladin. They gain 10 Power Points, and may activate a power as a limited free action by paying the power's cost, or with a raise for two additional points.
Paladins may gain additional power points through the Power Points edge, but newly created Paladins gain bonus power points for having the following Hindrances: Code of Honor, Heroic, Loyal, and Pacifist. If they have one of these as a minor Hindrance, they gain one additional power point. If it is a major hindrance, they gain two additional power points.
A Paladin who also has an Arcane Background (such as Magic-User or Healer) cannot apply edges learned for those arcane backgrounds to their Mystic Powers, and the power points for their Mystic Powers are separate from those for their Arcane Backgrounds.

Powers: Aura, Boost Trait (Fighting and Spirit only), flaming sword, healing, protection. All but healing have the Self Limitation.

Improved Mystic Powers
Requirements: Veteran, Mystic Powers: Paladin
Improved Mystic Powers allows a character to expand their paladin abilities, choosing two more powers from the Paladin spellbook. Note that Paladin powers, except as specifically noted, retain the Self limitation, without additional benefit.

Improved Paladin Spellbook: Arcane Protection, Calm, Detect Arcana, Detect Lie


Arcane Protection
Spellbook: Improved Paladin, Healer
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 5

Success with arcane protection means that hostile powers suffer a -2 (-4 with a raise) to affect the character. Powers that fail due to this protection still consume the caster's power points. Powers that do affect the character reduce their damage by 2 or 4. Arcane protection stacks with the Arcane Resistance edge, should the recipient have both.
When rendered into potion or pill by a healer, no raise made in preparing the item takes effect after 48 hours.

Spellbook: Healer, Paladin
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Trappings: Warm Feeling inside

Aura, unofficially called Erana's Ethereal Aura, protects the target from the Energy Draining powers of the Undead. While under an Aura, the target makes resistance rolls against Energy Drain (and similar powers that directly attack life force, at the GMs discretion) with a +2 (+4 on a raise).
When placed in a potion by a healer, potions more than 48 hours old do not receive the benefit of any raises.

Boost Trait
Spellbooks: Healer, Paladin
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 5

When this spell is used, the listed trait goes up one die type, or two with a raise. Paladins may only Boost Fighting and Spirit; with a raise, they may choose to boost both by one die, or one by two dice. Healers may boost any trait, but each potion or pill will boost only a specific trait (so you may have a potion of Thievery, or a pill of Smarts, but not one that will do both, nor one that will do either).
When rendered into a consumable by a healer, the benefit of any raise is lost after 48 hours.

Spellbooks: Healer, Improved Paladin
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Trappings: Calming music

Calm reduces the aggression of the target, causing them to "bliss out" and not attack the character. With a successful casting, the target cannot move and is Distracted. With a raise, the target is Distracted and Vulnerable, and cannot take any physical actions. For Paladins, this is useful in opening negotiations; for Healers, this can reduce someone's anxeity, or help someone who wants to sleep to get rest.

At the end of their turn, a victim of this spell may make a Spirit roll to attempt to break free of the calm. Success indicates that they have broken free; failure indicates that the calm continues for another turn. The calm automatically ends if the target is subject to any attack that does more than 3 points of damage above their armor (if any); the attack need not cause the target to be Shaken or receive a Wound, simply connect.

For 2 additional power points, the spell can be changed to a Medium Blast template, centered on the caster, who is not affected. If the caster has The Drop on a character who is not engaged in strenuous activity (such as a guard not on alert), or who is suffering from Fatigue, then a raise will allow Calm to function as a Slumber power (SWADE 167), at no additional cost.

Spellbook: Healer
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: One hour

Darksight allows the healer to see in the darkness, ignoring up to 4 points of illumination penalties, or 6 with a raise. Often prepared as a potion or pill, they lose the effects of a raise after 48 hours.

Detect Arcana
Spellbooks: Healer, Improved Paladin
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5

With careful examination, a healer or paladin can determine if a person or object is enchanted, or otherwise under magical effect or influence. Healers most often use this to divine if someone suffers from a magical malady; if an additional power point is spent, they can precisely identify the problem (though not necessarily its cause or solution). Paladins, on the other hand, automatically detect the presence of supernatural evil when this sense is activated.

Detect Lie
Spellbook: Improved Paladin
Rank: Veteran (effectively)
Power Points: 3
Range: Self
Duration: 5

With an opposed Spirit roll, the Paladin may discern whether a person believes they are speaking the truth. Failure means that the result is inconclusive.

Spellbook: Healer
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant

Removing malign magical influences is part and parcel of being a healer; curses, magical poisons, the tricks of fairies, all must be confronted by an adept healer. A healer can use dispel to counter these, and make an attempt against several at once by spending an additional 3 points.

Spellbook: Healer
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 5

Healers do not, themselves, make much use of Farsight, but it is popular as a potion or pill, and improving someone's eyesight is well within their abilities. It allows someone to see with amazing accuracy at great distances, seeing an ant up to a mile distant, if needs be. With a raise, the penalties due to range for Shooting and other ranged attacks are halved, but this is lost as the potion ages.

Flaming Sword
Spellbook: Paladin
Rank: Seasoned (effectively)
Power Points: 1
Range: Self
Duration: 5

The Paladin's sword blazes with blue fire. It inflicts an additional 2 points of damage, or 4 points of damage if created with 3 points.

Spellbook: Healer, Paladin
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant

With this power, a Paladin or Healer is able to instantly remove wounds less than an hour old; a success heals a single wound, or two with a raise (for Paladins, this costs 5 points). This power can be used multiple times. Both may make use of this power to attempt to negate poison or cure disease at +1 power point; if they have a penalty associated with it, a paladin's power point cost increases by that penalty (so a lethal poison with a -2 to the Vigor roll will cost the paladin 6 points... 3 for healing, 1 for any poison, and 2 more for a poison this powerful).

Healers, but not Paladins, may make use of the modifiers Greater Healing (+10 PP, allowing the healing of wounds outside the Golden Hour) and Crippling Injuries (+20 PP), as laid out in the FC (p. 120). When apothecaries create their medicines, they must choose any modifiers in advance; a Poison Cure pill will do no good against a knife wound (unless, ya know, the knife was poisoned. They'll still help with that part).

Spellbook: Healer
Rank: Seasoned
Range: Touch
Duration: 5

Similar to both Farsight and Darksight, this is not a power healers often crave for themselves, but instead find it useful to instill into potions and pills for others to use. A success inflicts a -4 penalty to locate the character by sight, and a -6 if the power was used with a raise. As is standard, raises do not apply to potions, pills, and powders degraded by time.

Poison Resistance
Spellbook: Healer
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: One Hour

Poison resistance provides protection against poisoning. A favorite of both kings and scorpion-hunters, it reduces the damage from poison by 4, or by 6 with a raise, and provides +4 (or 6) to resist the poison in the first place. A raise may alternatively be dedicated to increasing the duration to a full eight hours; with two raises, you can do both. Medicines that are no longer fresh will last 1 hour, and provide only 4 points of protection.

Spellbooks: Healer
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Duration: Instant/One Hour

Relief can be used one of two ways; to remove the negative conditions Shaken, Distracted, or Vulnerable, or to provide a reduction in penalties from Wounds and Fatigue, as laid out in the FC, page 126. Healers may also make use of the Restoration and Stunned modifiers.

Spellbook: Healer
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: One Hour

Slumber is a useful skill for a healer, putting someone under in order to reduce their stress, and make them easier to treat. An unwilling target must make a Spirit roll (at -2, with a raise) to remain awake. Loud noises and attempts to wake the person will allow another Spirit roll, though a Healer may precede or follow this with Relief; if wound and exhaustion penalties are reduced, so is the Spirit roll to awaken.

Spellbook: Healer
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 1+
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant

Healers can, with practice, learn the technique of providing others with a portion of their power points. After the initial cost of 1 point, the healer can transfer up to five additional points to another person, by touch. With a raise, the initial point is transferred, as well. This is often made into a potion or pill. After 48 hours, however, the pill will lose one point of efficacy.

Undead Repulsion
Spellbook: Healer
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 5

While under the protection of Undead Repulsion, Undead who seek to injure the subject must make a Spirit roll (at -2, if cast with a raise) to harm the subject. If they fail the roll, they lose the action. Most mindless undead (ghosts and zombies) will not even attempt, but predatory or intelligent undead (wraiths, ghouls, vampires) may try.

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