Saturday, October 12, 2024

Gnome Alchemist [RC]

Again, thanks to Erin Smale's Creating a More Perfect Class

Gnome Alchemist

HD: d4 (100/100)
Saving Throw: Dwarf (400/500)
Attack: Magic-User (100/600)
Armor: Restricted (100/700) (Leather)
Weapons: Restricted (0/700) (Knife, Dagger, Sling, Crossbow, Club)
Spells: Cleric, Magic-User 1/4 (400 + 400/1500)
Skills: Speak Gnome, Dwarf, Kobold, Goblin; Alchemy (General Skill); Science: Chemistry (General Skill) (300/1800)
Racial Abilities: Infravision 90'; Detection Abilities (as dwarves); Saving Throw Bonus as dwarves against poison and spells (300/2100)
Weapon Mastery: Non-fighter (0/2100)
Level Limit: 8th; Name level (-100/2000)

Gnomish Alchemists have studied the art of alchemy to a degree amazing to non-gnomes; far beyond simply brewing antidotes, they may use their arts to create short-lived potions on the spot, by mixing reagents to form an immediate reaction. When they reach 7th level, they may create magical potions of longer duration, as any magician might.

Like magic-users, gnome alchemists must maintain a "spellbook"; in their case, it is quite literally a book of recipes. Their alchemical concoctions are usually the mix of two or more ingredients; stable individually, but causing a reaction once mixed. Commonly, these will be powders placed into a liquid, though they may be two liquids combined, or a powder set on fire.

Alchemists are not limited by "spells per day"; rather, they are limited by the depths of their purses. In consumed components, alchemist concoctions cost one gold piece per level of the spell, and components for a single concoction weigh 10 cns per spell level. An adventuring alchemist must carry these with them, though they may gather 1 gold piece per level worth of ingredients each day with a successful alchemy skill check. Such gathered ingredients will not survive more than the day. At 1st level, they may create concoctions that mimic 1st level spells. At 4th, they may make 2nd level concoctions, 3rd at 6th, and 4th at 8th.

Available Concoctions
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Detect Magic, Light, Protection from Evil, Purify Food and Drink, Remove Fear, Resist Cold, Sleep*, Faerie Fire**
2nd: Bless, Hold Person, Resist Fire, Silence 15' Radius, Speak with Animal, Entangle*, ESP*, Invisibility*, Web*, Heat Metal**, Produce Fire**
3rd: Continual Light, Cure Blindness, Cure Disease, Growth of Animal, Remove Curse, Speak with Dead, Striking, Create Air*, Fireball*, Fly*, Haste*, Protection from Normal Missiles*, Water Breathing*, Protection from Poison**
4th: Animate Dead, Create Water, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Neutralize Poison, Speak with Plants, Polymorph Self*, Protection from Lightning**

Most concoctions are as Cleric spells; those marked with an asterisk (*) are as equivalent magic-user spells. Those with two asterisk (**) are as druid spells.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Duneright [2e]


 Duneright is an attempt to integrate the domain rules from Birthright into Dark Sun. As Dark Sun does not have Birthright's assumed "divine right", nor Cerillia's "basic ability to sustain life", some changes had to be made. This was hashed out on the message boards of The Piazza, and can't be considered my work alone; Stephen Kissinger helped refine the product, and converted the many different Dark Sun units from Battlesystem to Birthright's War Cards. It should also be noted that this is all thorr-kan's fault; he asked if it had been done, and it got in my head.

TL;DR: Some Key Differences

Assuming you are familiar with Birthright, here are some key differences between the domain rules as laid out in the Birthright Boxed Set, and as implemented in Duneright.

1) No blood score. You are not a divinely ordained scion of a dead god; you are an ex-gladiator trying to survive in a desert. Your Regency doesn't come from your blood, but from your blood, sweat, and tears, and from your time and treasure.

2) "Gold Bars" don't make sense as a currency for Dark Sun. They are instead slightly abstracted into "Trade Units", or TU. All references to GB should be in TU. For the purposes of the Finances action, 1 TU is equal to 2000cp, just as 1 GB is equal to 2000gp.

3) No Temple holdings. Dark Sun priestly magic doesn't work off belief, so being able to muster a lot of people praying doesn't aid one magically. Priests and wizards both make use of Source holdings.

4) Subsistence ratings. In Dark Sun, there's no guarantee that your province will be able to support the number of people you have on the land. Not having total Subsistence ratings equal to your Province level will cost TU or RP.

5) No limit to how many people can control holdings of a certain type in a province. Your level 3 province may have three different level 1 Guild Holdings, and several 0 level Guild Holdings that are contesting those.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Red Card!

 Red Card, a Savage Worlds supplement for playing semi-pro football, is now live!